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Jeffrey Kroll

Jeffrey Kroll was born to an American father and British mother in New York City, that vital and prime centre of painting’s great flowering in the post Second World War period. Out of an artistic family environment he developed his lifelong espousal of painting.


Kroll’s studies began in the Philadelphia College of Art and continued in Florence and Athens at the museum of archaeology. This study was the manifestation of his passion for the classical tradition. His love of world art is anthropological in its scope, stretching across the millennia of humanity’s aspiration to creatively interpret in painting and sculpture that which is spiritually important to mankind. A keen interest in Italy’s Renaissance artists is matched by the deep influences he absorbed from the great works since the mid-nineteenth century of Van Gogh, Picasso, Kandinsky, Klee and Mondrian. Kroll’s expertise is indisputable, his output phenomenal and exhibitions have been held in major galleries in Paris (Le Carrousel du Louvre, Musée Louvre), New York, Los Angeles, Turin, Mexico City and London.

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29.5" x 39.5"

Oil on Canvas


Please contact gallery for price.

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